Online applications will be available on January 15th for the April 1st deadline and July 15th for the September 1st deadline.
- Log into your Peyton Anderson Foundation Grant portal, or if you do not have an account, fill out the log in information to create a grantee account with The Peyton Anderson Foundation. This account will be used to track your grant process through the full term of the grant, whether it is approved or denied.
- Complete the online application, with electronic signature from executive director.
- Personal narrative typed in the space provided on the online application. The narrative should:
- Briefly summarize the organization’s history, mission and goals. Give a description of current programs, activities and accomplishments.
- State the purpose of the grant. List the needs/problems to be addressed; a description of target population and how they will benefit. What are the projects goals, measurable objectives, and time table for implementation?
- State whether this is a new or ongoing project. List the other partners, if any and their roles. Define the long term strategies for funding this project at the end of the grant period.
- Explain the plans for evaluating how success will be defined and measured. How will evaluation results be used and if appropriate how the program will be replicated.
- Acknowledge similar projects or agencies, if any, and explain how this agency or proposal differs, and what effort will be made to work cooperatively.
- Project budget summary including all revenue sources and expenses.
- Two (2) letters of support are needed. Please see the application for instructions regarding submission of support letters.
- Minimum of two (2) estimates, if appropriate, for the project.
- Statement from the organization’s Board authorizing the request and agreeing to complete the project funded. Please see the application for instructions regarding submission of Board authorization.
- List of the organization’s Board of Directors/Trustees, their individual terms of office, affiliations, and their individual percentage of participation in the Board meetings.
- Organization’s current annual operating budget. This is not the same as the project budget requested above. Do not include bank statements.
- A current valid letter of qualification from the Internal Revenue Service evidencing that your organization is qualified as a Section 501(c)(3) organization and not a private foundation. The letter must be current within the last ten years. There is an upload button on the application that will allow you to upload your letter of qualification. Under the terms of the trust, grants may not be made to individuals.
- Most recent annual financial statement, independently audited, or two most recently completed IRS Form 990 parts I and IV. There is an upload button on the application that will allow you to upload your financial statements.
Please do not include any forms or information other than what is required above. Applicants will be contacted if more information is needed. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Under no circumstances, should an applicant contact a Trustee of the Foundation. You will receive an acknowledgment email after your proposal is received.
Trustees of the Peyton Anderson Foundation should not be personally approached by an applicant concerning a grant proposal. All requests, meetings and correspondence must go through the Foundation office. The staff will schedule the necessary site visits, meetings and/or presentations at the appropriate time during the application process. The Foundation is always available to answer questions concerning grants or procedures.
Peyton Anderson Foundation Grantee Portal
Please read the directions below carefully and fully.
- All current and former grantees as well as new applicants must have an account for your organization. If you already have an account, log in with your email and password. Please create an account if you are applying for the first time. There is a NEW APPLICANT link on the login page in the link below. Write down the email and password used to create your account as this is the email and password you will use for any future applications.
- You must use the email sent to you to access your ongoing application. Do not click the START A GRANT APPLICATION link to resume working on an ongoing application.
Contact Chenza at if you have any questions.
Grant Application Budgets
Operating Budget Directions:
A complete Operating Budget for your organization is required for every application. The budget should be detailed and needs to show all income, revenue, and expenses. You may add supporting documents if necessary. Do not use bank statements. Below you will find an example of a detailed operating budget.
Grant Project Budget Directions:
A project budget reflecting all revenue sources and all expenses for the proposed project is required. Below you will find an example of a detailed proposed project budget. A capital improvement budget sample is available upon request to Chenza Stokes.
This example budget contains an operating budget for “Macon Focus,” a ficticious organization. The proposed project budget shown in the example is for “After School Enrichment.” Please pay attention to the preferred level of detail in each budget.
Grant Reports
Use this link to access grant reports due for the Peyton Anderson Foundation. The following reports are accessed through this link:
- Grant Mid-Project Report
- Grant Final Report
If you have any questions, contact Chenza Stokes.
Grant Final Report Budgets
Grant Final Report Budget Directions:
A completed Project Budget is required for all final reports. The submitted project budget should be the same format as used in your original application. If you are unsure of the format, please log into the portal and to view you project budget on you application.